tion card. let us know! If you have not done so yet, please send in your registra- If you have any suggestions for improvements to CheckWriter, please like by changing the checkform with this option you checks. You can use any check that you not sold in order to rake in cash by selling layout. Unlike some programs, CheckWriter is Designer - This utility allows you to create your check Checkform and will tell you of anything you need to know. (checks or deposits) due that day (or past due) see if you have any recurring transactions turn on the computer, Check INIT will look to placing it in your System Folder. When you Check INIT - This is an INIT file which is installed by application. checks at any time, from within any Macintosh DA Mover from Apple, allows the user to write CheckWriterDA - The desk accessory, installing with the Font/ utilities and check writing. of the CheckWriter features, including reports, CheckWriter - This is the application which allows use of all CheckWriter has four program components: "out of turn" or when CheckWriter cannot be used. is on, and an "after the fact" capability for times checks are written desk accessory which allows checks to be written any time the computer features useful for both home and small business users. It features a user to maintain a simple check account, while providing many powerful Aatrix CheckWriter II is a Macintoshâ„¢ application which allows the